Pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 ("KVKK"), this clarification text has been prepared to enlighten you as EFES ÇADIR BRANDA TENTE DEKORASYON TASARIM PROJECT MINERAL EŞYA TEKSTİL ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ ("Company") as the "data controller" to explain how and for what purpose your personal data is processed and the necessary administrative and technical measures in accordance with this.

Personal data within EFES ÇADIR BRANDA TENTE DEKORASYON TASARIM PROJE MADİ EŞYA TEKSTİL ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ ("Company") is under the protection of the Company as the data controller. The Company takes the necessary technical and administrative measures by using its technological and infrastructural facilities to ensure that personal data is processed and securely stored in accordance with the law within the framework of KVKK.

We would like to inform you about our processes of processing your personal data and your rights under the LPPD through the "Clarification Text" you are currently reading.


1. What is Processing of Personal Data?

It refers to all kinds of operations performed on personal data such as obtaining, recording, storing, preserving, changing, rearranging, disclosing, transferring, taking over, making available, classifying or preventing the use of personal data by fully or partially automatic means or by non-automatic means provided that it is part of any data recording system.

2. Which Personal Data Do We Process?

Due to the commercial relationship between our Company and you or the Company of which you are an Officer or Employee, we process the following data limited and measured for processing purposes:

Identity Information: Name-surname, T.R. Identity Number, nationality information, mother's name-father's name, place of birth, date of birth, document serial number, volume number, gender, marital status, documents such as driver's license, identity card, work certificate, tax number, signature information.
Contact Information: Phone number, address, e-mail address, KEP address.
Finance Information: Bank information.

3. On Which Legal Grounds and How Do We Process Your Personal Data?

We process your personal data based on your explicit consent or where (i) data processing is expressly provided for by law, (ii) data processing is necessary provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract, (iii) data processing is mandatory for the fulfillment of a legal obligation, (iv) the data has been made public by you, (v) data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right, or (vi) in cases where data processing is mandatory for our legitimate interests, provided that it does not harm your fundamental rights and freedoms, we process without your explicit consent.

In order to carry out the activities of our Company, for the execution of the contract concluded with you or the company you are authorized/employee, due to our obligations stipulated in the laws and arising from the legislation, during the contract, proposal, order creation, opening a current card, creating a supplier record, creating a supplier record, payment and invoicing processes, by hand, verbally, verbally, by e-mail, by mail, electronically or physically through the relevant departments of the Company, it can be collected and processed by automatic or non-automatic methods. In the processing of your Personal Data, the Company acts in accordance with the data processing principles and obligations specified in the Constitution, KVKK and related legislation and the Personal Data Processing and Destruction Policy.

4. Our Purposes for Processing Your Personal Data

Personal data of you or other officials/employees representing your company; name-surname, contact information, financial data (bank information, invoice information, etc.) and, if necessary, T.R. Identity number;

  • Fulfillment of the Company's obligations arising from the legislation, including the Turkish Commercial Code,
  • Obtaining the necessary information for the creation of contracts,
  • Establishment and follow-up of purchasing and supply relations in line with the Company's activities and needs,
  • Receiving bids for the supply of goods and services,
  • Enforceability of contracts for goods or services concluded between us,
  • Fulfillment of mutual obligations,
  • Conducting communication activities,
  • Procurement of goods and services within the scope of contracts,
  • Finance and accounting records can be kept and payment transactions can be realized (Bank, Branch, Iban no, Account no, Credit Card etc.),
  • Creating your current record through the program we use,
  • Fulfilling the demands of authorized institutions and organizations,
  • We process for the purposes of implementing Company policies.

We assure you that we will only retain your personal data for the maximum period and statutory limitation periods specified in the relevant legislation or required for the purpose for which they are processed.

5. Transfer of Personal Data to Third Parties

Provided that we comply with the general principles listed in Article 4 of the KVKK and the conditions stipulated in Articles 8 and 9 of the KVKK and take the necessary security measures, and provided that they are proportionate and limited to the purposes of processing;

  • To public institutions and organizations such as the Personal Data Protection Authority, Courts, Prosecutor's Offices, State Security Institutions, State Ministries, Undersecretariats, Presidencies, Customs Offices, Tax Offices, SSI in order to fulfill our legal obligations,
  • To banks for payment transactions to be realized,
  • Law offices, lawyers and audit firms from which our Company receives support or services (as necessary within the framework of confidentiality obligation),
  • To the notary if we need to send a notice, to the courts if we need to exercise our right of defense against legal claims,
  • The name, surname, contact etc. of the company providing transportation/transportation service or the name, surname, contact etc. of the company official and employee of the company in order for our dealers and customers to follow up the transportation (transportation) service with our dealers/business partners,
  • We can share your personal data.

Your personal data are recorded on servers, programs, databases and applications that we use to carry out the activities and administration of the Company. The aforementioned servers, programs, databases and applications may be accessed by our business partner, from which we receive support in information processing and technologies, within the framework of intervening in system malfunctions, improvement and security activities.

6. Your Rights as a Data Subject under the Law on the Protection of Personal Data

Within the framework of KVKK and other legislation in force;

  • To learn whether personal data is processed or not,
  • Request information if personal data has been processed
  • To learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose
  • To know the third parties to whom personal data are transferred domestically or abroad,
  • To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing,
  • To request the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event that the reasons requiring its processing disappear, although it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of KVKK and other relevant laws,
  • To request notification of the correction, deletion, destruction of personal data to third parties to whom personal data are transferred,
  • To object to the emergence of a result to the detriment of the person himself/herself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
  • In case of damage due to unlawful processing of personal data, to demand compensation for the damage you

have rights.

7. Ways to Apply to the Company within the Scope of Your Rights

In the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data ("KVKK"), personal data owners (hereinafter referred to as the "Applicant"), who are defined as the relevant person, are granted the right to make certain requests regarding the processing of their personal data in Article 11 of the KVKK.

Pursuant to the first paragraph of Article 13 of the KVKK; applications to be made to our Company, which is the data controller, regarding these rights must be submitted to us in writing or by other methods determined by the Personal Data Protection Board ("Board") within the scope of the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller.

In this context, applications to be made to our Company in "written" form, by printing out the Application Form that you can obtain from our website at or from our company in person;

  • By personal application of the Applicant (by coming to our Company's address "Yeşilçam Mahallesi 2001 Sokak No:1 Bornova/İZMİR", in person with wet signature, with a document such as identity card, driver's license, passport),
  • Via Notary Public (Notary notification will be sent to the above-mentioned address of our company by writing "Information Request within the Scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data" in the notification envelope).
  • By Registered Electronic Mail (signed with your "secure electronic signature" in accordance with the Electronic Signature Law No. 5070, to the address of our company, by writing "Information Request under the Law on the Protection of Personal Data" in the subject section of the e-mail),

will be forwarded to us.

Applications must be made in Turkish. The applications must include name, surname and signature if the application is in writing, Turkish ID number for citizens of the Republic of Turkey, nationality, passport number/ID number for foreigners, residential or workplace address for notification, e-mail address for notification, telephone or fax number and the subject of the request.

Your applications submitted to us will be answered free of charge within 30 (thirty) days from the date your request is received by our Company, depending on the nature of the request, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 13 of the KVKK. However, if the transaction requires an additional cost, the fee in the tariff to be determined by the Personal Data Protection Board may be charged. Our responses will be delivered to you in writing or electronically in accordance with the provision of Article 13 of the relevant KVKK.